David is America's most popular creator of word puzzles. For the Just 2 Fun App, he has ...
- picked out hundreds of common word pairings (answers),
- chosen great pictures to act as his clues,
- and put them in his App aimed at the creative brains of kids ages 9 and up!
The App is utterly simple to play. The picture is the clue. And every puzzle's answer is just 2 words -- a common pairing ("BUZZ OFF"), a famous character's name ("SNOW WHITE"), or a fun word combination that is forehead-slapping obvious after you figure out David's clues!
Just 2 Fun features:
- Over 300 Entirely Original Puzzles
- Wonderful David Hoyt Hints for every puzzle so you never get stuck
- Skip Puzzles and come back to them later
- Alternative sound sets that make you smile (animals & squishy)
- The App is completely FREE from ads, in-app purchases and social media links
Here is the perfect app for kids that like to solve puzzles -- kids that can think outside of the box to arrive at creative word answers to visual clues! Get Just 2 Fun on your phone or tablet today!
And if you're curious to know more about this "David L. Hoyt" guy . . . check out the bottom of the page.
And be sure to check out Just 2 Words, David's Puzzle App for the whole family! |

As the most syndicated daily game creator in the world, David L. Hoyt is the self-confessed puzzled mind behind a long list of wildly popular games, puzzles and brain-teasers. David’s most famous games include Jumble™, Word Roundup™, Pat Sajak’s Lucky Letters™, Word Winder™, Up & Down Words™ and Boggle BrainBusters.™ His games appear in 750 newspapers, including USA Today, New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times.
For more about The Man Who Puzzles America, click here!